Security Awareness

Increasing your corporate security through sustainable cyber security training

As a first step, reduce your cyber attack risk by up to 30%.
By working with us, you will benefit from our decades of experience, scientific work and facts from the field.

Book a consultation

Strengthening security awareness in your company—holistically and sustainably

With strategic and tailored planning that is aligned and executed with your business culture, you can reduce your susceptibility to cyber attack by up to 30%.


Security Awareness Measurement

Measure and improve security awareness and security culture in your organization.

To the Awareness Measurement

Phishing Training Service

Test your employees with regular phishing simulations. Through click and opening rates, you can quickly identify successful behavior changes

To the Phishing Training

Awareness Success Strategy

Gain clarity on how your current security culture is. Together with us, you will develop an implementation plan.

To the Awareness Strategy

Security Awareness Measurement

Measure and improve security awareness and security culture in your organization.

To the Awareness Measurement

Awareness Club

Get your "all-round carefree package":
Our club offers you over 180 current products, including bonus material and a measurement of your security culture.

To the Awareness Club

Awareness Campaigns

All campaigns will be customized to your security strategy. This leads to a long-term and sustainable embedding of security awareness in your corporate culture.

To the Campaigns


Strengthen your information security where it matters the most: With your employees.

To the E-Learnings

Phishing Training Service

Test your employees with regular phishing simulations. Through click and opening rates, you can quickly identify successful behavior changes.

To the Phishing Training

Chatbot Training Service

With short chatbot trainings learn the basics about our topics, such as phishing, and how to protect yourself from it.

To the Chatbot Training

Create awareness

With scientific foundation

In everything we do, it is important to us that it is scientifically founded but also practicable to implement. Our solutions can be easily integrated into the daily work routine and ensure that employees have fun and achieve considerable learning success in the shortest possible time.

Our focus is therefore clearly on sustainable change of behavior.

  • Truly successful security through alignment with your business.
  • Secure behavior must be embedded in the corporate culture. Only then you will achieve sustainable security.
  • To successfully change behavior, each learning type will be addressed differently.


Promote security in your corporate culture

Improve your employees' security awareness with our holistic approach. Do this flexibly, as needed and independently.

Saving time in training your employees because they only work on relevant topics

Analysis of your results based on comparable key figures

Targeted improvement by identifying your strengths and weaknesses

Reach your goals faster, thanks to efficient security measures

Short implementation time thanks to a direct contact person and fast deployment

Money-saving by selecting the right measures

Individual recommendations for measures based on your measurements

Motivation for your employees owing to scientific and psychological learning methods


A company's CISOs or security officers have a variety of tasks to handle.

Tips for CISOs and Security Officers


Thumbnail: Givaudan information security campaign 'Act Safe, Be Safe - The Dos and Donts'. Security sign with green hook in the foreground, hands in the background summarize.
Success Story

Givaudan - Information security campaign "Act Safe, Be Safe – the Dos and Don'ts"


Thumbnail: 'Success Story: Measuring the security culture of a European public transport system'. Businessman working on his laptop on the plane.
Success Story

Measuring the security culture of a European public transport company


Other examples whereTreeSolution contributed to raising security awareness:


Security Awareness for your company

Are you ready to take security awareness to the next level in your business?

The first step is easy:
Arrange a free consultation now.

IT Security: Black and white portrait of Thomas Schlienger, owner of TreeSolution.

Dr. Thomas Schlienger
CEO and founder

Free consultation

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