Price calculator

Use our price calculator to estimate the cost of your product. Any changes to the design or content will be charged additionally based on the work involved and are not included in this price list.

Select product, plan and number of users that will be enrolled to use the product. Your price estimate is calculated instantly.

1. Select a product
Use your security budget where it is most urgently needed. The security awareness measurement precisely identifies the greatest weaknesses in your security culture and provides you with customized recommendations for effective measures.
More about Security Awareness Measurement
2. Select a product plan
3. Select number of employees
Your price:
3. Select number of employees
Your price:
3. Select number of employees
Your price:
With a well thought-out awareness strategy, you not only achieve a higher level of security, but in more than 50 % of cases you can also substantially increase the budget for your awareness initiatives. Convince management by presenting transparent key figures and a long-term plan.
More about Awareness Strategy
2. Your price
Awareness Strategy Business plan (up to 1,000 employees):
CHF 5,077
Awareness Strategy Enterprise plan (from 1,000 employees):
from CHF 15,327
The TreeSolution Awareness Academy contains everything you need to successfully anchor secure conduct in your corporate culture. You will find there over 260 up-to-date products, including bonus material and a measurement of your security culture.
More about Awareness Academy
2. Select a product plan
3. Select number of employees
Your price:
3. Select number of employees
Your price:
3. Select number of employees
Your price:
3. Select number of employees
Your price:

* Price per material per activated user. The sample prices apply to e-learnings (first price) and microlearnings (second price). An activation fee is charged depending on the size of an organization and is payable annually. It also contains further accompanying material on security awareness topics.

Knowledge that lasts: Our interactive training courses ensure that up to 87% of what you learn is retained - making your knowledge available for future use.
More about Cyber Security E-Learnings
2. Select a product plan
3. Select number of employees
Your price:
3. Select number of employees
Your price:

The price of custom e learning development depends on the complexity of content preparation and design. Here you can find example cases:

Simple microlearning: content and most important graphical assets are provided by the client, we create a 3‑5 minute long microlearning.

from CHF 5,000

Medium‑long e‑learning: most of the content and most important graphical assets are provided by the client, some of the content is provided by TreeSolution and we create a 8‑12 minute long e‑learning.

from CHF 13,000

Complex e‑learning: some content and some graphical assets are provided by the client, TreeSolution helps to create the missing content and we create a 12‑20 minute long e‑learning.

from CHF 20,000
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Please note: Prices are subject to change. The price quoted in the offer will apply.


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