Security Awareness Academy product icon

How does this product work?

The TreeSolution Awareness Academy contains everything you need to successfully anchor secure conduct in your corporate culture.

Whether guided learning journeys or individual compiled trainings—our user-friendly learning platform gives you and your employees quick and easy access to the latest security knowledge on the subject of security awareness.

Who is the product for?

  • For companies of any size.
  • For companies that want to raise awareness and train their employees holistically.
  • For companies looking for more than just e-learning.
  • For organizations looking for a predefined training structure.
  • For organizations that want to determine the training topics and times themselves.
  • For organizations with or with an own learning platform.

The right package for every company size

Become a member of the Security Awareness Academy and benefit from numerous perks and benefits. Your membership not only will give you access to all the products listed here, including updates, but also to all new developments within your package.

Image of employees
Cyber Security Learning Journey
Person icon

Recommended for small and medium-sized companies.

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You get ready-made campaigns for 2 or 3 years.

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Year 1

  • Basic Training on Information Security campaign
  • Microlearning MFA
  • Microlearning Prompt Bombing
  • Phishing Campaign
  • Quiz with information sheet

Year 2

  • Password Campaign
  • Microlearning Safe use of AI
  • Microlearning Phishing & Vishing
  • Social Engineering campaign
  • Quiz with information sheet

Year 3

  • Internet campaign
  • Microlearning Ransomware
  • Microlearning How to recognise safe URLs
  • Mobile Devices and Data Carriers campaign
  • Quiz with information sheet

Bonus for a 3-year contract:

  • E-learning Security For Managers
✩ Most popular ✩
Image of employees
Academy Gold
Person icon

Recommended for medium-sized and large companies.

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You plan the campaigns independently, according to demand and from one of the 10 available topics. With Gold Flexi you can choose the topics yourself.

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Campaign topics with Gold:

  • Basic Training on Information Security
  • Identification and Classification of Information
  • Reporting Security Incidents
  • Password Management
  • Protection against Social Engineering
  • Important Clear Desk & Clear Screen Information
  • Home Office Dos and Don'ts
  • Protection against Phishing
  • Behavior on the Internet
  • Handling of Email
  • Introduction to Data Protection
Image of employees
Academy Platinum
Person icon

Recommended for large organizations.

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You plan the campaigns independently, according to demand, and from the entire portfolio.

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Campaign topics with Platinum:

  • Basic Training on Information Security
  • Identification and Classification of Information
  • Reporting Security Incidents
  • Password Management
  • Protection against Social Engineering
  • Important Clear Desk & Clear Screen Information
  • Home Office Dos and Don'ts
  • Protection against Phishing
  • Behavior on the Internet
  • Handling of Email
  • Introduction to Data Protection
  • Working on the Go
  • Handling Mobile Devices
  • Stay Safe on Social Media
  • Beware of Malware
  • Access to Buildings and Dealing with Visitors
  • First Aid, Fire & Evacuation
  • Security for Managers
  • Information Security for IT Administrators: Key concepts
  • Information security for IT administrators: secure IT services
Image of employees
Pay per Use
Person icon

For large organizations with 1,000 or more employees.

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You pay for what and when you need it.

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All Platinum campaign themes and materials are available to choose from.

Package comparison

Wählen Sie das Paket aus

Cyber Security Learning Journey
✩ Most popular ✩
Academy Gold
Academy Platinum
Pay per Use
Cyber Security Learning Journey
✩ Most popular ✩
Academy Gold
Academy Platinum
Pay per Use
Prices per year

Minimum term

2-3 years

1 year

1 year

1 year

1-10 users

CHF 927

CHF 919

CHF 1,195.50

CHF 8.00; CHF 5.00*

11-20 users

CHF 1,437

CHF 919

CHF 1,195.50

CHF 7.00; CHF 4.00*

21-50 users

CHF 2,157

CHF 44.50 / user

CHF 58.00 / user

CHF 5.00; CHF 3.00*

51-100 users

CHF 3,387

CHF 38.00 / user

CHF 49.00 / user

CHF 4.00; CHF 2.50*

101-150 users

CHF 4,307

CHF 32.00 / user

CHF 42.00 / user

CHF 3.50; CHF 2.00*

151-250 users

CHF 6,027

CHF 27.50 / user

CHF 35.50 / user

CHF 3.00; CHF 1.50*

251-500 users

CHF 9,047

CHF 23.50 / user

CHF 30.00 / user

CHF 2.00; CHF 1.20*

501-1000 users

CHF 13,567

CHF 18.50 / user

CHF 24.00 / user

CHF 1.50; CHF 0.80*

* Price per material per activated user. The sample prices apply to e-learnings (first price) and microlearnings (second price). An activation fee is charged depending on the size of an organization and is payable annually. It also contains further accompanying material on security awareness topics.


Animated films
















Information sheets







Login wallpapers



Cartoon campaigns



Supporting communication material



Presentation templates



Basic Training on Information Security

Security Awareness Measurement (SAR) Online Edition

Material update

Flexibility of topics

Topics are predefined

Topics are predefined; free choice with the Flexi Option

All topics available

All topics and materials available


TreeSolution platform

Own learning platform

Options for all packages

Content adjustments

Design adjustments

SAR evaluation

Single sign-on for the Academy


Phishing simulations

This is an infobox text for price list cell. Just a short description. 1 to 2 sentences.

A holistic approach to protecting your security awareness and security culture

  • A flexible solution: From the smallest company to the largest corporation, there is an optimal solution for everyone.
  • Proven success: The well thought-out structure and intelligent combination of learning materials have proved to reduce your cyber risk.
  • Time-saving: The training courses are designed to take up a minimum of your employees' time. That is why all materials are designed to be as time-saving as possible without losing the quality of learning.
  • User-friendly: The modern user interface is easy to use and guides users clearly through the content.
  • Scaling: The Academy scales easily with your growing requirements.
  • Proof: Conclusive reports help you to provide proof of compliance requirements. In addition, after completing an e-learning course, every employee receives a personal certificate.
Swiss Digital Services logo

All Academy services are provided 100 % from Switzerland. Data is stored in Switzerland.

Our priority: satisfied customers

With TreeSolution's help, we have taken a big step forward in the area of awareness—now we need to stay on the ball.

CISO of a Swiss health insurance company

Image of people discussing over a laptop

Thanks to our membership at the TreeSolution Academy, we were able to create and publish an e-learning course on “passwords” in five languages for the whole group within just a few days. Especially after security incidents, it bears immense value that you can start immediately with appropriate awareness measures.

A leading Swiss insurance company, Head of Information Security Awareness

Image of people, close-up to a hand pointing to a laptop

Protect your company now with the best training offer






Training material. New materials are constantly being added.

Integration of market standards

Our learning management platform can be easily integrated into the most common systems on the market. The TreeSolution learning platform:

Logo of Microsoft 365Logo of Miscrosoft Entra IDLogo of Google WorkspaceLogo of Okta

Customer's own learning platform:

Logo of SCORMLogo of xAPILogo of AICCLogo of cmi5

The most important TreeSolution benefits for the learning journey

  • Short set-up time: The campaigns are predefined by time and topic. This saves you time during implementation and practical execution. All you have to do is provide us with the user list and we will take care of the rest.
  • User-friendly learning platform: Employees are trained via the easy-to-use TreeSolution learning platform. An own learning platform is not necessary.
  • Little effort per person and year: With only 50-60 minutes of effort per year and person, you can ensure sustainable success for your company.

The most important TreeSolution benefits for Academy Gold & Platinum

  • Full flexibility: Flexible access to all training materials from within your package, whenever and as often as you want.
  • A vast portfolio: Always the latest and most up-to-date training documents on all important security-related topics.
  • Variety: Different media for different types of learners—so it never gets boring.
  • Optimization: Measurement and improvement of your security culture is included with the Security Awareness Radar.

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Product alternatives

Looking for something different? How about this:

Security E-Learnings product icon

Security E-Learnings

Would you like to train with e-learning the traditional way? Then take a look at our e-learning program. Here you will find all available e-learnings about information security, cyber security, compliance and physical security.

Security Awareness Radar product icon

Security Awareness Measurement

Are you looking for a specific action plan for the coming year? Then the Security Awareness Measurement is something you'll want. We are going to measure the security awareness of your employees. We will use the results to create a plan to improve cyber security in your organization so that you can make targeted investments where you will get the most benefit.

Awareness Strategy product icon

Awareness Strategy

Do you want start by laying a solid foundation with a long-term strategy? Then the Security Awareness Strategy is something you'll want. Based on your current security situation, we develop a tailor-made long-term strategy to improve employee awareness.


Form, E-mail, Phone

You can fill out a short form or send us an email. We will get back to you within two working days. You can also call us directly. Click on "Contact" and you will receive all the necessary contact details.


Free online consultation

If you would prefer to book a specific appointment, you can do so by clicking on the blue button below. The online booking system will open in a new window and you can schedule your free consultation.