Case Studies – Discover industry-specific success stories

How customers have improved their security awareness

Find out first-hand how our customers have sustainably improved their information security through targeted security awareness programs and practical training. The following success stories show how organizations have strengthened their security culture and effectively minimized risks.

Case studies: Security awareness in action

Thumbnail: Givaudan information security campaign 'Act Safe, Be Safe - The Dos and Donts'. Security sign with green hook in the foreground, hands in the background summarize.
Givaudan boosts information security with creative campaign
Givaudan, a global leader in the production of flavors and fragrances, raised awareness of information security among 15,000 employees in 14 languages. With the two-month “Dos and Don'ts” campaign, illustrated by cartoons and supported by e-mails, posters and an intranet site, awareness of secure behavior was strengthened and the risk of data loss was significantly reduced. The creative implementation was very well received – from the workforce to the board level.
Thumbnail: 'Success Story: Measuring the security culture of a European public transport system'. Businessman working on his laptop on the plane.
A focus on security culture: measuring success at a European transport company
A leading public transport company with over 10,000 employees used the Security Awareness Radar® to measure the state of its security culture. The results revealed strengths, weaknesses and clear areas for action. After just one year, targeted measures led to a 10% increase in security awareness – an important step in continuously improving the “human firewall”.
Security Awareness Campaigns - Success Story at Swiss Health Insurance: Thumbnail for a white paper with tips on implementation.
Strengthening security culture: Successful awareness initiative of a Swiss health insurance company
A leading Swiss health insurance company raised awareness of information security and data protection among 2,000 employees in three languages. With the support of TreeSolution, a comprehensive awareness initiative was implemented – from e-learning and phishing training to creative campaigns with a memorable slogan – that sustainably increased security awareness. The initiative fostered an active security culture and reduced risks in the handling of sensitive data.
IT Security: Aerial view of the city of Biel as a promise of far-reaching security by TreeSolution.
The city of Biel lays the foundation for a strong security culture
The city administration of Biel, with 1,000 employees, decided to strengthen its “human firewall” and develop a clear strategy for information security. The analysis conducted by the Awareness Success Elevator™ provided the administration with an initial overview of its security culture and specific measures to increase maturity. The results form the basis for targeted training and long-term awareness campaigns.
Cyber Security: Whitepaper on the success story of Stadtwerke Mainz. Finger pressing the 'SUCCESS' key on the keyboard (writing in English).
How the Mainzer Stadtwerke built a strong security culture
The Mainzer Stadtwerke, as part of the critical infrastructure, worked with TreeSolution to develop a comprehensive awareness strategy to strengthen their information security. With the measurement of the security culture, customized e-learning and annual refresher courses, the security awareness of 1,500 employees was sustainably strengthened. The measures are not only an important contribution to the security culture, but also a proof for ISO certifications.

According to the “2024 Data Breach Investigation Report” by Verizon, 68% of security breaches are caused by human error. To train employees in a targeted way, it is worth measuring the security culture.

Watch the webinar recording now (in German). It covers the topic of measuring security culture and its results.

Our priority: satisfied customers

Cybersecurity training courses by TreeSolution are an absolute must! Exciting content, explained in an easy-to-understand way and with interactive elements.

Angelina Peters, Accounting

Many thanks for the pleasant collaboration. You were very quick in implementing the e-learning courses that were specially tailored to meet our requirements. We are very satisfied with the result. Thank you!

Marketing Experience Manager Swisscom

Image of Swisscom headquarters

TreeSolution supported us in introducing targeted awareness programs. The results of the Security Awareness Radar® were used to provide our employees with e-learning and specific courses on our user guidelines. This enabled all our employees to be introduced to the topic and trained in a targeted manner. With all these measures implemented during the collaboration with TreeSolution, we were able to reduce the risks to a minimum and sustainably reinforce our security awareness in culture and corporate conduct.

Sven Lohnke, Consultant IT Security Management Mainzer Stadtwerke AG

Image of Mainzer logo

Other examples where security awareness has risen thanks to TreeSolution:


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