The current situation challenges us all. Therefore we have compiled valuable aid packages for you and offer them at special conditions or even free of charge. Which ones, you will find out at the end of this letter.
Dear Readers
We have always been a company that works remote. Therefore, not much will change for us and we can continue to provide our services at a high level of quality.
To ensure that not only people stay healthy, but also that the company IT remains virus-free, new urgencies for security awareness arise for many companies when working in the home office. Especially in the current situation it is important that
If you have followed us so far, you know that we have solutions and that we are flexible in pricing. I think that never made more sense than now. Because for many companies, it's drawing on the reserves and every franc or euro saved is valuable.
That's why we have the following concrete offers for you, to relieve you as simply and straightforwardly as possible:
If you are planning measures to make your home office employees more secure in terms of IT, talk to us. We will be happy to be there for you and to search with and for you for solutions that support you in your current needs and that are affordable.
Stay healthy and secure. If we can support you in any way, talk to us.
Cordially yours,
Thomas Schlienger
P.S. Information security must not be forgotten even in the current extraordinary situation, otherwise the damage to our economy could become even greater. Therefore, do not neglect the training and sensitization of your employees.